Friday, April 23, 2010

George Carlin's The Planet is Fine

George Carlin's routine re-enforces Phelan's idea that the humanity is self-extincting. He points out that the earth has existed for far longer than humanity has, so therefore, it is fine. The earth doesn't need anymore meddling from humans. He points out that humans cannot even fix themselves, never mind a larger object such as the earth itself. There should be no attempts to save the planet until people attempt and succeed to save themselves. This is similar to what Phelan is saying. In his article, Phelan articulates that humans and the culture they have created are the most powerful too, yet, the worst potential enemy in remaining on earth. Similarly, humans should stop worrying about the environment so much as they should start worrying about how they are going to quickly adapt and keep up with the speedy climate change. Evolution is moving a lot quicker than biologists thought, but climate change is moving even quicker, so if humans don't start worrying about themselves, the environment will beat them to a pulp potentially ending in humanity's extinction. Depressing, right?


  1. I agree, as depressing as it is, with your last statement. Humans do need to start worrying about themselves, rather than trying to prevent the destruction of the planet. The planet, like Carlin says, will be fine with or without us. It is the humans, that are at risk of becoming extinct.

  2. What sort of mindset does Carlin employ? What's his ideological framework? Do you share commonalities with him?

  3. i think you and tara are both right. the only difference is that i think we should focus on both. It is important to make sure that the human species do not become extinct, but as humans, our selfishness and need to focus on ourselves has been doing alot of environmental damage, so maybe we should try to keep an eye on both things.
