Friday, April 23, 2010

Focused Free Write - Symbol in Just Add Water

I think that Ray's tin box best exemplifies the film Just Add Water. Ray keeps the tin box in his car, and he's constantly referring back to it whenever he gets discouraged. The tin box and its contents represent hope. Inside it are pictures of Nora, which make Ray smile and also encourage him in a way to keep on going. He could have easily given up on himself and on the town on many occasions along the storyline, but he didn't. When he felt burnt out, he would refer back to his tin box and the pictures within, which restored his hope. The pictures send him back to the past, and thoughts of a better time. I think this symbol of hope represents the movie effectively because without some "ray" of hope, the town of Trona would have remained stuck in one place. The tin box and thoughts of Nora were Ray's source hope and encouragement to change the stagnant town of Trona.


  1. I agree that the tin box is a good symbol to represent the movie. I did not choose that one myself, but I think you make a valid point. It can represent hope and Ray needs a lot of that after experiencing what he does during the movie.

  2. Is the tin a recycled tin?

    Does the tin serve as a time capsule -- some sort of memory of a happy future that didn't happen? What is the newspaper clipping about? How did Nora save a cat? Is that important?
