Friday, April 16, 2010

Blogging About Blogging

I think blogging is one of the best ways for this generation to communicate their ideas productively and in a new-age sort of manner. Students are constantly on their computers knowing that they are procrastinating and not doing the assignments they should be. However, having a blog as an assignment is much less intimidating seeing as how it is just another tab you open up on your search engine. Blogging also allows students to open up more than they would in a formal piece of writing because the blogs one follows are those of their individuals. Their audience is not just a teacher, but a number of students having the same qualms with completing homework as they do. Blogging enables a student to loosen up his or her language and opens up the possibility of having other students comment, criticize, and offer feedback on mini-writing assignments. This leads to my next point. There is no extensive writing assignment due on a blog. It is a cumulative effort of mini-assignments. I know when I blog, I let my fingers and thoughts just go and say what I want to say. Relating to Derrida's fear of writing, I make sure that when I blog I relinquish the beast and say what I want to say. I personally love blogging considering this is one of three that I have. Granted my other two are mostly photographs and music, this one like the others, makes me feel I can say what I truly want to say without the fear of it being harshly criticized solely by a teacher. I do not think simply blogging is appropriate for a class, but I think it is a great complement.


  1. I agree. I don't mind blogging and I don't mind that we get graded on it. It actually is much easier for me. That's what I concentrated on in my blog as well.

  2. You know, Julie, I really agree with you about blogging as a safe place to write and to share and to learn -- one that shouldn't be invaded by an assessor or teacher. I'm still muddling through my own notions about blogging and sharing and learning. Thanks for helping me with all three!
