Monday, April 26, 2010

Connections Made Between TWN and Just Add Water

TWN and Just Add Water both begin at a less than average state of normal. Illyria and Trona are both crazed places where the individuals are not very aware of others around them, nor the fact that life exists outside of their small civilization. A large emphasis can be put on disguise and the masking of individuals in both TWN and Just Add Water. Viola pretends to be a man throughout TWN. Ray and Nora mask their own insecurities and qualms with the town by going about their days with smiles on their faces. In both of these comedies, the individuals have to reach an all time low in order to be inspired to make a change. This relates to most of the articles we've read on climate change as well because society does not feel the need to be green until it faces "self-inflicted extinction." In TWN, the low point comes when Olivia marries Sebastian because there end up being two Cesarios according to Olivia, which causes havoc. Ray reaches a low point when he loses the adherence of his family. He catches his wife cheating and witnesses his son dealing drugs. Ray doesn't feel the need to change (similar to today's society and Viola in TWN) until his world comes crashing down.


  1. Julie, this is so true. It seems that only recently every company in creation has decided that they should join the "go green" campaign and help the fight against climate change. Years ago most corporations might have been considered crazy for wasting money against something that is never going to happen. But with the evidence mounting, it is only now that we see more and more changes in the ways corporations are run. Just as in the movie and play like you wrote, it is only at the tipping point will most people begin to change.

  2. Exactly! Sometimes you have to reach rock bottom before you can begin to climb back up. The only problem is in our case (since we've been reading about the environment so much) when we reach rock bottom, well... we won't be here to even try to climb back up.
