Monday, February 8, 2010

Post Act I Freewrite

After reading Act I of the Twelfth Night, I can't stop thinking about how quickly all of the characters fall in love. In the play, it's as if love is this persistent cold that almost every character catches. They try so hard to get rid of it, but the cold sticks with them. They become "lovesick," for lack of a better term, and drive themselves crazy. I don't understand how the characters think it is love after three days or a couple hours or even after a mere call upon one's home. Shakespeare really plays into "love at first sight" in his writing. I enjoy reading Shakespeare's tale for entertainment, but extracting any reality about love or relationships is difficult. The end of Scene V really stuck with me in this way. Olivia claims she's fallen in love with Cesario. I think what really got under my skin after reading Act I was the fact that these characters actually think they're in love - not smitten or impressed by an individual - but in love. Those two words are a bit dramatic for such slapdash meetings as the ones that took place in the beginning of the play.

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