Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Expressionist Freewrite

It snowed last night, and there was a beautiful moment where four of us were stalling near a lamppost. I wanted a camera to capture the sight of the snowflakes against the pale light provided above our heads. Then I thought, no, a camera would ruin this image. I want my mind to remember this moment forever. A film-esque scene, and I was living it. Dancing in the drift, catching snowflakes on my tongue and eyelashes - something you would see in the movies. We joked, we laughed, we got frozen fingertips, but something kept us loitering next to that lamppost. You know that kind of moment where you forget all else and finally feel like you're living in the moment? This was one of those times. I could have easily already forgotten my interim journey outside my dorm, but I haven't. Maybe it was the dull light creating a hazy scene speckled with snow or maybe we were just procrastinating on our homework. Whatever it was, I hope I do not need something as an imprudent photograph to maintain this memory.

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