Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Freewrite - crush & bow.

2. Malvolio: ...and yet to crush it a little, it would bow to me...(II.v.143-145)
Malvolio mentions this after he reads the primary portion of Maria's letter. After reading, he is baffled as to what all of it means, including the letters M.O.A.I. Malvolio is convinced that these letters have something to do with his name because they are all present in its spelling. Malvolio wants the love letter to be about him, so he is going to "crush" or shake up the words and their meanings in order to convince himself that it was written for him. Once he has assigned his own meaning to the words on the page, the words will favor him in a way that convinces him that the letter was truly written for him. Maria's faux love letter serves as a puzzle and false hope for Malvolio. I think what Malvolio has in mind for this letter is extremely whimsical and far-fetched. If one is direly in love with another person, I suppose it is plausible that he would read into the note so much and juxtapose the words in a manner that gives him the answer he wants.

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