Friday, March 5, 2010

Lend Your Ear 3/4/10 at

Here is the thematic montage Lindsey and I made based on the motif of music. It is featuring the song "Easy" by Justin Vernon. Comments would be helpful. We put a lot of work into this project and we would love critiquing!


  1. I liked the way music, which right away is identified as a major thematic strand, is realated to everything. Viola and Duke play an interesting part to each other- Viola, like the instrument is Orsinos companion who serves him. The duke craves music, he feeds on it; asking all of his attendents to strum. The connection in your video is perfect with the pictures, the piano with the legs, the wine with the music behind it. Very good!

  2. Hey, this is a pretty cool project. I dig it.

  3. I truly enjoyed the words written on your photos for true clarification of what you meant to say rather what the viewer thinks you meant, even the selection of the font and placement was cool. I am glad you selected a quieter song to relax the viewer and make them focus on the photos and words. Very nice job!!!!

  4. I think all the words weren't necessary. They were great with helping clarify what you were going for, but the whole fun of it is making your own interpretation of what the video is trying to say. I also think it wasn't really clear what the underlying meaning of how it applied to Shakespeare was presented.

    On the other hand, I really loved the collaboration of the music with the images and the word you chose. Great video!

  5. I agree with Kelsey in the fact that it takes away from the visual argument when you add all the words. However, I understand that it is difficult because the topic and argument was very difficult to visually represent. Liked it overall =]
